Birthday Trains

Step 1:
Check the calendar to make sure that the trains are running on the day of your event. Regularly scheduled public run days are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday of the month unless pre-empted by a special event that requires tickets.

Step 2:
Visit the City of Torrance website at to reserve your picnic tables

Step 3:
Download the Special Events Train Reservation Form:

Step 4:
Send the completed Special Events Train Reservation Form to


A small SCLS Picnic Area is also available during regular monthly run days (NOT during special fundraising events)

Step 1:
Check the calendar to make sure that the trains are running on the day of your event. Regularly scheduled public run days are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday of the month unless pre-empted by a special event that requires tickets.

Step 2:
Download the Special Events Picnic Area Reservation Form:

Step 3:
Send the completed Special Events Picnic Area Reservation Form to